Early-bird 50% discount – limited spots!

Grow your SaaS with automated word of mouth

Reward users for sharing their positive experiences and creating authentic, organic promotion

Reward users for sharing their positive experiences and creating authentic, organic promotion

Reward users for sharing their positive experiences and creating authentic, organic promotion

Trusted by

Scaling your SaaS requires a substantial investment in traditional marketing

Scaling your SaaS requires a substantial investment in traditional marketing

Scaling your SaaS requires a substantial investment in traditional marketing

It's expensive to reach your target audience
It's difficult to increase brand awareness
It's hard to make your product "sticky"

Discover ViralBox

Make it easy for your customers to recommend your product and drive organic growth for your SaaS

91% of B2B buyers base their purchases on word-of-mouth recommendations
77% of consumers are more likely to buy a product if it’s recommended by a friend
Word of mouth generates
2x more sales than paid advertising

We help you build customer loyalty and retention

We help you build customer loyalty and retention

We help you build customer loyalty and retention

ViralBox automates the reward process for users who share positive experiences and turns satisfied customers into brand advocates.

Additionally, you gain referred customers who have a 37% higher retention rate.

ViralBox automates the reward process for users who share positive experiences and turns satisfied customers into brand advocates.

Additionally, you gain referred customers who have a 37% higher retention rate.

ViralBox automates the reward process for users who share positive experiences and turns satisfied customers into brand advocates.

Additionally, you gain referred customers who have a 37% higher retention rate.

We help you increase brand awareness

We help you increase brand awareness

We help you increase brand awareness

Happy users love your SaaS but need a little incentive to spread the word. Without the right motivation, their honest reviews and valuable referrals often go unshared, causing you to miss out on organic growth opportunities.

Happy users love your SaaS but need a little incentive to spread the word. Without the right motivation, their honest reviews and valuable referrals often go unshared, causing you to miss out on organic growth opportunities.

Happy users love your SaaS but need a little incentive to spread the word. Without the right motivation, their honest reviews and valuable referrals often go unshared, causing you to miss out on organic growth opportunities.

We help you attract your ideal customers

We help you attract your ideal customers

We help you attract your ideal customers

Use word of mouth as a powerful marketing channel. A public testimonial from a user acts like a magnet, attracting others who fit your Ideal Customer Profile.

Use word of mouth as a powerful marketing channel. A public testimonial from a user acts like a magnet, attracting others who fit your Ideal Customer Profile.

Use word of mouth as a powerful marketing channel. A public testimonial from a user acts like a magnet, attracting others who fit your Ideal Customer Profile.

No-out-of the pocket costs for you

No-out-of the pocket costs for you

No-out-of the pocket costs for you

For each promotion, you can offer a reward as Stripe credit towards the user's next invoice. Additionally, users can receive a unique affiliate link, earning Stripe credit rewards for their referrals.

For each promotion, you can offer a reward as Stripe credit towards the user's next invoice. Additionally, users can receive a unique affiliate link, earning Stripe credit rewards for their referrals.

For each promotion, you can offer a reward as Stripe credit towards the user's next invoice. Additionally, users can receive a unique affiliate link, earning Stripe credit rewards for their referrals.

Collect social proof automatically and turn users into brand advocates

Collect social proof automatically and turn users into brand advocates

Transform word of mouth into your most powerful marketing tool and motivate your satisfied users to drive growth for your SaaS by sharing their positive experiences on social media!

Transform word of mouth into your most powerful marketing tool and motivate your satisfied users to drive growth for your SaaS by sharing their positive experiences on social media!

Fast and simple setup

Integrate ViralBox with your Saas
Define user promotions
Set promotion rewards
Users complete and submit promotions
Approve promotions and reward users

Integrate ViralBox with your SaaS

Integrate ViralBox with your SaaS

Integrate ViralBox with your SaaS

Your users see the ViralBox panel in your product's interface

Your users see the ViralBox panel in your product's interface

Your users see the ViralBox panel in your product's interface

Define the promotions you want your users to complete

Define the promotions you want your users to complete

Define the promotions you want your users to complete

Choose from types like social media post, blog article or review on popular websites like G2 and Trustpilot, or create custom promotions

Choose from types like social media post, blog article or review on popular websites like G2 and Trustpilot, or create custom promotions

Choose from types like social media post, blog article or review on popular websites like G2 and Trustpilot, or create custom promotions

Set a reward for each promotion

Set a reward for each promotion

Set a reward for each promotion

Decide how your users will be rewarded – either with Stripe credit or with a custom reward

Decide how your users will be rewarded – either with Stripe credit or with a custom reward

Decide how your users will be rewarded – either with Stripe credit or with a custom reward

Users spread the love

Users spread the love

Users spread the love

They complete promotions and submit them for your approval

They complete promotions and submit them for your approval

They complete promotions and submit them for your approval

Validate social proof and the users gets rewarded

Validate social proof and the users gets rewarded

Validate social proof and the users gets rewarded

Once you approve a submitted promotion, the specified credit is automatically applied to their Stripe balance

Once you approve a submitted promotion, the specified credit is automatically applied to their Stripe balance

Once you approve a submitted promotion, the specified credit is automatically applied to their Stripe balance




Early-bird special – 50% off for life

(only 4 spots left)

7 day free trial






Start free trial

ViralBox branding

3 promotion types

$100 monthly reward cap

Standard support


Most popular





Start free trial

Everything in Early-stage plan

No ViralBox branding

Unlimited promotion types

$2500 monthly reward cap

Priority support






Everything in Growth plan

No monthly reward cap

What people say about us

What people say about us

What people say about us

The potential for growth that ViralBox enables is unbelievable - a no-brainer.

Marcel Fahle


Having scaled a SaaS to 7-figures, I've seen the power of word-of-mouth referrals, and it's our main source of growth we're currently depending on with Aware.

Mac Martine


Every founder knows GTM is tough, but it's one of the most important things to get right. I love ViralBox's mission to drive word of mouth — which can be the most persuasive form of marketing.

Cameron Napoli


ViralBox really clicked. From time to time I come across an idea like that and it just feels right, like everyone should be doing that.

Petar Slovic


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is ViralBox?
What is ViralBox?
How are the users rewarded?
How are the users rewarded?
Are referrals from ViralBox promotions tracked like affiliate referrals?
Are referrals from ViralBox promotions tracked like affiliate referrals?
How big should the rewards be for each promotion type?
How big should the rewards be for each promotion type?
Can all promotions be completed exactly once?
Can all promotions be completed exactly once?
How will my users access the promotions?
How will my users access the promotions?
Do you support payment providers other than Stripe?
Do you support payment providers other than Stripe?
Can I use ViralBox for free?
Can I use ViralBox for free?

Try ViralBox for free

Transform word of mouth into your

most powerful marketing tool today!

Created with ♥️ by Mac and Jan







